Monday, April 28, 2008

Guy Time

So here I am stuck at work waiting for my now official boyfriend to pick me up. Funny thing about all that doesn't really seem that way. Sure, I call him my boyfriend to his face now, but we don't seem intent on spending that much time together. Or at least he doesn't seem to want to set aside his "guy time" to spend time with me. He's done something with they guys every single day for the past 7 days, twice at the expense of our plans. So my questions is - how much "guy time" does one guy need?

I don't want to be the overbearing girlfriend and say "Hey, you! Pay attention to me!" but I'm not sure what else to do. Twice this week we had plans and twice I got thrown over for the guys. I'm all about doing my own thing (as y'all well know from reading past posts), but where does one draw the line? Twice he didn't call when he said he was going to, although once I will allow room for error due to miscommunication. Is it his age? Are they really all "Bros before Hoes" when they are that young? Really? And again he is late. Here's another interesting observation - he can always leave early when he's hanging out with they guys......maybe just once he could leave early for me?

Maybe I haven't had enough sleep the past few weeks and being tired is making me bitchy. Maybe I am just fed up with having to compete with his friends. Maybe I'm on the verge of really falling for him and I am coming up with every possible excuse not to (analyze that, Master). Maybe it's been 4 months now and I feel like we should MAYBE have a talk about how we feel about each other. God, even a small statement would be nice. It doesn't have to be 'I love you" (even I shudder at the thought), but a confirmation that he feels this is going somewhere would do wonders for my confidence in our relationship.

And MAYBE if i was confident in our relationship I would stop messing with OBF. Although, in my defense, I did something last week that I never thought I would or could do. I walked away. I received this email that literally broke my heart. He was so confused, felt so guilty and was just so expressive about it I cried as I read it. And I also knew that he would not walk away from me. So I did it. I cut off all communication, we stopped hanging out and I avoided the office for about a week (that was pretty simple to do since I was swamped at my project site). I mean, it was a good try. Even if it only lasted a week. It probably would have lasted longer if he hadn't hit me with the news that he broke up with his girlfriend.

Yeah, everybody stop. BREAKING NEWS: OBF IS SINGLE!

Or was, for about 4 days. She's a smart girl. She bought a plane ticket and flew up here the first chance she got to change his mind. I guess it worked. And I'm the one that talked him through it. I played the best friend on the phone while he was trying to decide what to do. Oh well, as long as he's happy. Sadly, I'm not sure he is......but I don't think I want to find out.

I think maybe tonight is the night I try to have a serious talk with APR. Maybe.

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